"Inspired by Romanian folklore, this card represents Dragobete's kiss, a symbolic Romanian figure, equivalent of Valentine's Day, celebrated at the end of February. The tradition requires young, unmarried girls and boys to gather flowers and play/sing/dance altogether in a brightly lit glade, while members of their families cheer and applaude; at a certain point, the hoe-down stops and the girls run away, hiding and screaming, while the boys are trying to find them; each single girl then sneaks out and picks with a light stroke of her bouquet the innattentive young man she finds attractive and kisses him; the boys do the same, until a sharp cry ends the game and the groups melt away, with the girls running home and hiding the love-bouquets, hoping to get married. The ritual of kissing the one you liked in that day's celebration was called Dragobete's engagement, a childish, yet significant gesture, made in the name of pure love. That is why, in Romania, it is often said 'Dragobetele sărută fetele!' (Dragobetele kisses the girls!), as a love celebration for that time of year, at the arrival of spring."